Friday, October 29, 2004

Jadwal Buka Puasa 18 - 30 Ramadhan 1425 H / 1 - 13 November 2004

Senin, 1 November: Chintia, Wulan, Ade - Spice Garden PS
Selasa, 2 : kosong
Rabu, 3: buka sendiri2 lalu nonton di PS sama Nugi, Yonie, Yuri (tentuuu.. kalo ga ada dia siapa yg mo dicomblangin ma Iyon coba, hihi), Dilla (partner percomblangan) dan pacar kayaknya
Kamis, 4: Ika pacarnya Lukman - Blok M Plaza
Jumat, 5: kosong
Sabtu, 6: keluarga Roses - Waroeng Steak and Shake Depok
Minggu, 7: kosong

Senin, 8: kosong
Selasa, 9: kosong
Rabu, 10: kosong
Kamis, 11: Wisnu & Shinta, Zaki & Ochie, mestinya Wanda juga tapi dia baru nyampe tgl 12 :( - Citos
Jumat, 12: kosong
Sabtu, 13: Ibu, Bapak, Miranti, Febri, Anto - Tiban I Blok C No. 181 :)

yang kosong mo gue pake buat cari oleh2 buat orang rumahku tercinta dan Karika yang sudah repot2 mencari dan mengirim tiket pulang sayah (mukena kan).... tengkyuuuuu... >:D<

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Allahu Rabbi, aku punya pinta...

Bila suatu saat aku jatuh cinta,
Penuhilah hatiku dengan bilangan cinta-Mu yang tak terbatas
Biar rasa ku pada-Mu tetap utuh

Allahu Rabbi,
Izinkanlah bila suatu saat aku jatuh cinta
Pilihkan untukku seseorang yang hatinya penuh dengan kasih-Mu dan membuatku semakin mengagumi-Mu

Allahu Rabbi,
Bila suatu saat aku jatuh hati
Pertemukanlah kami
Berilah kami kesempatan untuk lebih mendekati cinta-Mu

Allahu Rabbi,
Pintaku terakhir adalah seandainya ku jatuh hati
Jangan pernah Kau palingkan wajah-Mu dariku
Anugerahkanlah aku cinta-Mu
Cinta yang tak pernah pupus oleh waktu....


seneng banget tadi malem buka bareng anak2 Batam :)
yang dateng 15 orang:
1. gue
2. Yonie
3. Iyo (adenya Yonie)
4. Farah
5. Elysa Amoy
6. Edwin om Bachtiar hahahahaha
7. Yuri
8. Yudha (kembaran Yudhi, adenya Yuri)
9. Yudhi (kembaran Yudha, adenya Yuri juga)
10. Raka (kembaran Dimas, minus istri)
11. Dimas (kembaran Raka, bawa istri)
12. Dewi (istrinya Dimas, kembaran Raka)
13. Adam, anaknya dokter siapaa gitu.. inget ga lo Ka?
14. Andy basket, anggota tim apa sih dia, Aspac gitu? tinggi banget yah ni anak!
15. Dilla (adenya Dina)

seru deh pokoknya.. walo pesenan kita suka telat dan mixed up sama meja lain, hehe..
lagi nunggu foto2nya dikirim Yonie. ternyata yang banci foto ga cuma gue. Edwin juga!

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

sekarang tanggal 27 ya?

gue udah gajian doooonggg.. huhuyyyy!!!
kirain gosip doang. pas ngecek di klikbca ternyata becuuulll.. senangnyah... >:D<
dobel2 nih senengnya... citibank clear card mini gue kemaren dateng... Rika udah dapet tiket buat gue, tinggal milih mau yang mana... hari ini gajian... ntar buka bareng anak2 Batam... hari Sabtu cari harddisk... hari Minggu buka bareng milis Hard Rock...
terus Kamis-Jumat ngapain?
Kamis mo ke Ambas nganterin Zaki cari mukena.
Jumat diundang Upik bu-bar di Bakm GM PIM. tapi ga berani mastiin dateng karena udah duluan janji sama Ami-Dedi. maaf ya Upik...

Monday, October 25, 2004

How I remember you

If it's true from the start
That the names of those we love are written on our hearts
And we search 'til we find in this jungle of confusion
Something that reminds us how we love each other
Then I think I've found the clue because I'm certain I remember you

Through my window I see
How the seasons change like notes with instant harmony
But the love in our eyes is a endless summer, is a joy that magnifies
Each time we touch each other
And it feels like deja vu
As my heart reveals that I remember you

Day after day, I'm amazed how our love intensifies
In every way, it resembles forever
Abandons us never

Like the sunlight that shines
Like the fragrance of the rose no single world defines
We are tuned to the sound
That displays creation that our life revolves around
That searching for each other
From a million hearts we choose
You remember me and I remember you

Day after day, I'm amazed how our love intensifies
In every way, it resembles forever
Abandons us never

A chorus of sparrows in summer
That's how I remember you
The fire of maples in autumn
That's how I remember you
The silence of snowfall in winter
That's how I remember you
A chorus of sparrows in summer
That's how I remember you
The fire of maples in autumn
That's how I remember you
The silence of snowfall in winter
That's how I remember you

sung by Michael Franks

aduh... mo mampus gue denger lagu ini... makasih ya Tanto! :)

Friday, October 22, 2004

"The Way"

There's something 'bout the way you look tonight,
There's something 'bout the way that I can't take my eyes off you.
There's something 'bout the way your lips invite,
Maybe it's the way that I get nervous when your around.
And I want you to be mine
and if you need a reason why,

It's in the way that you move me, and the way that you tease me,
The way that I want you tonight,
It's in the way that you hold me, and the way that you know me,
When I can't find the right words to say,
You feel it in the way, you feel it in the way.

There's something 'bout how you stay on my mind,
There's something 'bout the way that I whisper your name when I'm asleep Oh girl
Maybe it's the look you get in your eyes.
Maybe it's the way that makes me feel to see you smile.
And the reasons they may change
But what I'm feeling stays the same.


I can't put my fingers on just what it is that makes me love you, you baby.
So don't ask me to describe, I get all choked up inside, just thinking bout the way.


There's something 'bout the way you look tonight.
There's nothing more to say then, I feel it in the way.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

campur sari

kesel, sebel, heran, bingung, mikir, tersinggung, sakit ati.
ya iyalah!!!! gue pengen pulang ke Jakarta karena kangen ama mereka ehhhhh pagi2 udah diinterogasi ga ngenakin gitu. kesannya gue ke Surabaya itu kegatelan. apa sih!

Zaki pake ngeledek2in juga. sakit ati gue! gue tinggal aja ke bawah. balik2 dia minta maap. nangis deh gue :(

heran aja sih gue... kenapa sih dimasalahin banget? gue pergi kan bukannya seneng2 tapi dalam suasana duka cita.
ah taulah... egp.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

lagu ini bagus banget... :(

mungkin kumiliki seluruh cintamu
kusadari semua itu anganku
kuingin katakan
hanyalah dirimu yang melukis warna mimpi hatiku

ingin kumiliki dengan sepenuh hati
walau ku harus setengah terluka mengharap cintamu
ingin kusayangi tanpa terbagi lagi
apakah mungkin menjalin kasih
bila aku tak tau bagaimana kau mencintai diriku..

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

betew wew wew wew wew...

bukan by the way ye.. tapi bete berats. bukan butuh tatihtayang juga. eh iya sih butuh kasih sayang juga. tapi beneran. banyak amat tapi sih
ga tau kenapa tadi sore tau2 gue kayak kelempar kemana gitu... rasanya sendirian banget. sedih :(

kenapa sih gue suka tiba2 mellow ga jelas gini? nyusahin orang tau ga sih han!
sebel sebel sebelllll.. kenapa sih jadi orang cengeng amat????

internet gila!

amit2, masa jam segini YM gue udah dc2 terus! apa maunya sih!!!! ngeselin!


Saturday, October 9, 2004

have fun go mad...

despite this heavy headache i've been having for the past 6 days, hehe..
kemaren sih dari pagi udah mulai menye2 gitu dan tambah sakit kepala. ganti playlist deh, yg cerah ceria gembira ria. lumayan membantu juga.
dapet mp3 yg asik2 pula dari si Oom. tengkyu tengkyu...

hari ini mauuuuu... ngapain ya...
gue udah mengundurkan diri dari kepanitiaan Dimas-Wieny. ga janji deh jadi penerima tamu dalam kondisi kayak gini. duduk aja gue puyeng apalagi berdiri. lagian penerima tamu kan paling merana. mesti bertugas paling awal dan makan paling belakangan. hiks!

liat aja ya hari ini mo ngapain... kan Ochie mo traktir2 loh di Hanamasa ntar siang. asik... ihiiy..

Friday, October 8, 2004

ajaran sesat

Wisnu: pulang yooo
Hani: yyuuukkk
Wisnu: bareng?
Hani: kan ga searah
Hani: mau nganterin aku dulu ga?
Wisnu: tp aku laper, nanti makan dulu, kamu gak keberatan kan?
Hani: ngga..
Hani: aku temenin ya?
Wisnu: boleh. eh kamu malem minggu biasanya nagapain?
Hani: mmm... ngga ngapa2in.. abis jomblo
Hani: kamu biasanya ngapain?
Hani: cari kutu ya?
Wisnu: aku juga ngga ngapa2in. mau nggak kalo.. mm nggak jadi deh
Hani: yaa.. kok ga jadi... bilang dong bilang
Wisnu: nggak ah, nggak knp2 kok
Hani: kok kamu gitu sih?
Hani: ya udah deh kalo ga mau bilang ga apa2
Hani: aku ngerti kok
Wisnu: kamu sukanya lagu apa
Hani: lagunya BVSMP, Anytime
Hani: kamu?
Wisnu: ooh
Wisnu: aku lg suka yg slow & romantis2
Wisnu: anthrax, iron maiden, megadeth
Hani: ooo..
Hani: band dangdut?
Wisnu: hihihi kamu lucu deh
Hani: kamu juga lucu
Hani: kamu baik deh, bisa bikin aku ketawa
Hani: aku jadi ga terlalu pusing lagi
Wisnu: kayaknya kita cocok ya
Hani: iya ya kayaknya
Wisnu: boleh nggak kalo..
Wisnu: nggak jd deh
Hani: yah kok ngga jadi lagi..
Hani: terus kapan jadinya kalo kamu malu2 gitu?
Hani: bilang aja lagi.. aku gpp kok...
Hani: :) *senyum bijak*
Wisnu: takut ada yg marah
Hani: siapa yang marah? aku ngga marah kok
Wisnu: nanti pacarku yg marah..
Hani: loh pacar kamu kan aku?
Hani: kok kamu ketawa gitu sih?
Hani: kamu tega sama aku
Hani: kamu jahat
Hani: kamu sadis
Hani: kamu kejam
Wisnu: beloooon dong critanya! ah gimana sih
Hani: nah elo ngerusak sendiri! gimana seh!

Hani: orang udah mulai malu2 malah dicut begitu. huh!
Hani: ulang ulang, tapi yg pacarku marah itu ga usah dimasukin ya
Hani: kan gue bingung nyautinnya
Wisnu: ah gitu aja bingung. gak pernah jd selingkuhan lo ya
Hani: ga pernah :D
Wisnu: makanya belajar
Wisnu: :))

dodol si ngkong mah... suka ga bilang2 ada perubahan alur cerita :P
itu Shinta apa ga cape punya suami sakit jiwa kayak dia? :))

Thursday, October 7, 2004

Come Fly With Me

by Michael Buble

Come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly away
If you can use some exotic booze
There's a bar in far Bombay
Come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly away

Come fly with me, let's float down to Peru
In llama land there's a one-man band
And he'll toot his flute for you
Come fly with me, let's take off in the blue

Once I get you up there where the air is rarified
We'll just glide, starry-eyed
Once I get you up there I'll be holding you so near
You may hear angels cheer 'cause we're together

Weather-wise it's such a lovely day
You just say the words and we'll beat the birds
Down to Acapulco Bay
It's perfect for a flying honeymoon, they say
Come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly away

Once I get you up there where the air is rarified
We'll just glide, starry-eyed
Once I get you up there I'll be holding you so near
You may hear angels cheer 'cause we're together

Weather-wise it's such a lovely day
You just say the words and we'll beat the birds
Down to Acapulco Bay
It's perfect for a flying honeymoon, they say
Come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly
Pack up, let's fly away!!


By: Five

I woke up today with this feeling
Better things are coming my way
I know the sunshine has a meaning
And nothing left can get in my way

When the rainy days are dying
Gotta keep on, keep on trying
All the bees and birds are flying

Never let go, gotta hold on and
Nonstop 'til the break of dawn and
Keep on moving, don't stop rocking

Get on up
When you're down, baby
Take a good look around
I know it's not much
But it's okay
Keep on movin' on anyway

Feels like I have should be screaming
Trying get through to my friends
sometimes it feels that life has no meaning
But all things will be alright in the end

Keep on movin'
Keep on movin'
Keep on movin'
Keep on movin'
I know it's not much
Keep on movin'
Keep on movin'
Keep on movin'
Keep on movin'
Get on up
Keep on movin'
Keep on movin'

About love

Cinta itu seperti kupu-kupu. Tambah dikejar, tambah lari. Tapi kalau dibiarkan terbang, dia akan datang di saat kamu tidak mengharapkannya.
Cinta dapat membuatmu bahagia tapi sering juga bikin sedih.
Cinta baru berharga kalau diberikan kepada seseorang yang menghargainya.
Jadi jangan terburu-buru, dan pilihlah yang terbaik.
Cinta bukan bagaimana menjadi pasangan yang "sempurna" bagi seseorang.
Tapi bagaimana menemukan seseorang yang dapat membantumu menjadi dirimu sendiri. Dan karena itu kamu sempurna.

Jangan pernah bilang "I love you" kalau kamu tidak perduli.
Jangan pernah membicarakan perasaan yang tidak pernah ada.
Jangan pernah menyentuh hidup seseorang kalau hal itu akan menghancurkan hatinya.
Jangan pernah menatap matanya kalau semua yang kamu lakukan hanya kebohongan.

Hal paling kejam yang seseorang lakukan kepada orang lain adalah membiarkannya jatuh
cinta, sementara kamu tidak berniat untuk menangkapnya...
Cinta bukan, "Ini salah kamu", tapi "Ma'afkan aku".
Bukan "Kamu di mana sih?", tapi "Aku disini".
Bukan "Gimana sih kamu?", tapi "Aku ngerti kok".
Bukan "Coba kamu gak kayak gini", tapi "Aku cinta kamu seperti kamu apa adanya".

Kompatibilitas yang paling benar bukan diukur berdasarkan berapa lama kalian sudah
bersama maupun berapa sering kalian bersama, tapi apakah selama kalian bersama, kalian selalu saling mengisi satu sama lain dan saling membuat hidup yang berkualitas.

Kesedihan dan kerinduan hanya terasa selama yang kamu inginkan dan menyayat sedalam
yang kamu izinkan. Yang berat bukan bagaimana caranya menanggulangi kesedihan dan
kerinduan itu, tapi bagaimana belajar darinya.

Caranya jatuh cinta: jatuh tapi jangan terhuyung-huyung, konsisten tapi jangan memaksa, berbagi dan jangan bersikap tidak adil, mengerti dan cobalah untuk tidak banyak menuntut, sedih tapi jangan pernah simpan kesedihan itu.

Memang sakit melihat orang yang kamu cintai sedang berbahagia dengan orang lain tapi
lebih sakit lagi kalau orang yang kamu cintai itu tidak berbahagia bersama kamu.

Cinta akan menyakitkan ketika kamu berpisah dengan seseorang, lebih menyakitkan apabila kamu dilupakan oleh kekasihmu, tapi cinta akan lebih menyakitkan lagi apabila seseorang yang kamu sayangi tidak tahu apa yang sesungguhnya kamu rasakan.

Yang paling menyedihkan dalam hidup adalah menemukan seseorang dan jatuh cinta, hanya untuk mengetahui bahwa dia bukan untuk kamu dan kamu sudah menghabiskan banyak waktu untuk orang yang tidak pernah menghargainya.
Kalau dia tidak "worth it" sekarang, dia tidak akan pernah "worth it" setahun lagi ataupun 10 tahun lagi. Jadi, biarkan dia pergi.

Saturday, October 2, 2004

Wiken.. Happy weekend..

Makan2 sama kel Budhe Ning. Seruu.. Ngumpulnya aja udah seru, apalg makan2nya. Tadi pagi mesen tiket PP buat lebaran. Harganya 700-900, gila! Tapi gw harus pulang. Kangeeennnn.. :)

Hepi jg krn kmrn comot ol :D Rese2 gitu ngangenin jg..


huaaaaa :(( :((

tadi malam aku dipaksa bernyanyi Aku Anak Sehat sepanjang perjalanan pulang dari Ambas ke kostan oleh oom Haris.. kejaaaaammmm.... kalo berenti nyanyi diturunin di jalan, katanya. milih tempatnya yg 'strategis' gitu lagi, depan warung.

malemnya ujan lagi sebentar. ga terlalu deres tapi cukup adem.
pagi2 budhe Ning nelfon. jadi ga enak, yg nelfon malah yg ultah, hehe. gue disuruh ke rumah mbak Mida. katanya makan2nya di daerah sana. horeeeee.. asssiiiiikkkk... bisa ke Cempaka Mas kali ye, hehe :D

tadi nanya harga tiket ke Febby. gila.. 700-900! gue pesen aja sekalian, takut keabisan. begitu gajian langsung dibayar jadi bisa pulang dengan tenang. senangnyaaaa udah mau puasa... tapi utang gue masih banyak gini, hehe.

baca2 archive ym jadi kangen ama si comot ;))
obrolan kita ga penting banget. isinya seputar cela2an, ngambek, bujuk2, baik, nyela lagi, ngambek lagi, ngebujuk lagi. cuma tuker2an aja, ntar gue yg nyela, dia yg ngambek, ato dia yg nyela, gue yg ngambek :D
tapi ga ada dia ga enak juga sih. ga ada yg dicela, hihi.
tapi... ntar tanggal 18 kantornya diaudit dari Perancis, jadi program2 ilegal harus diremove. ga tau termasuk ym ato ngga. malah nanya ke gue, ilegal ga sih? yeee... di kantor gue sih ga ilegal, ga tau di kantor lo :P
you're gonna miss me hon, really miss me, dia bilang. sialan :P
semoga aja sebelum diaudit udah beli hp baru, hehehehehe...

Friday, October 1, 2004


You are all I need to get me through (get me through now baby)
Like a falling star I fell for you (I fell for you)

Sweet anticipation
It's giving me the butterflies
And my heartbeat's racing
Cos loving you is beautiful
When you're so irresistible

So don't stop (don't stop)
What you're doing baby
So good (so good)
And it drives me crazy
One touch (who-ho-hoo)
I'm in heaven, yeah
Cos loving you is so beautiful baby cos...

You are all I need to get me through (to get me through now)
Like a falling star I fell for you (I fell for you now)
You have taught me how to love
An angel sent from high above
Now I know that all I need is you

Cos I need you and you need me
And we'll always be together

I thought I knew what love was
I always ended up in tears
It's just the way my world was
Until you walked into my life
It's something that I just can't hide

Real love (real love)
Has come my way
And I know (I know)
That it's here to stay
And it feels (who-ho-hooo)
Like never before
Cos loving you is so beautiful baby cos...

You are all I need to get me through (to get me through now)
Like a falling star I fell for you (I fell for you now)
You have taught me how to love
An angel sent from high above
Now I know that all I need is you

Cos I need you and you need me
And we'll always be together

Cos I need you and you need me
And we'll always be together

You're my inspiration
My world just seems a brighter place
I just wanna tell you
I've never ever felt this way
I've never thought I'd see the day

Real love (real love)
Has come my way
And I know (I know)
That it's here to stay
And it feels (who-ho-hooo)
Like never before
Cos loving you is so beautiful baby cos...

You are all I need to get me through (to get me through now)
Like a falling star I fell for you (I fell for you now)
You have taught me how to love
An angel sent from high above
Now I know that all I need is...

You are all I need to get me through (get me through now baby)
Like a falling star I fell for you (I fell for you)
You have taught me how to love
An angel sent from high above
Now I know that all I need is you

(S Club 7)

Have you ever?

Sometimes it's wrong to walk away, though you think it's over
Knowing there's so much more to say
Suddenly the moment's gone
And all your dreams are upside down
And you just wanna change the way the world goes round

Tell me, have you ever loved and lost somebody
Wished there was a chance to say I'm sorry
Can't you see, that's the way I feel about you and me, Baby
Have you ever felt your heart was breaking
Lookin down the road you should be taking
I should know, cos I loved and lost the day I let you go

Can't help but think that this is wrong, we should be together
Back in your arms where I belong
Now I've finally realised it was forever that I've found
I'd give it all to change the way the world goes round

Tell me, have you ever loved and lost somebody
Wished there was a chance to say I'm sorry
Can't you see, that's the way I feel about you and me, Baby
Have you ever felt your heart was breaking
Lookin down the road you should be taking
I should know, cos I loved and lost the day I let you go

I really wanna hear you say that you know just how it feels
To have it all and let it slip away, can't you see
Even though the moment's gone, I'm still holding on somehow
Wishing I could change the way the world goes round

Tell me, have you ever loved and lost somebody
Wished there was a chance to say I'm sorry (I'm sorry)
Can't you see, (ohhh) that's the way I feel about you and me, Baby
Have you ever felt your heart was breaking
Lookin down the road you should be taking
I should know, (I should know) cos I loved and lost the day I let
Yes I loved and lost the day I let
Yes I loved and lost the day I let you go

(S Club 7)