Monday, July 27, 2009

Indah Pada Waktunya (Delon ft Irene)

Kau lihat aku di sini seutuhnya sendiri merasa bahagia karenamu
Setelah air mata, kehilangan dan juga kecewa
Kini hanya satu yang kupercaya: kau membuatku bahagia

Jika memang ini saatnya mimpiku akan menjadi nyata
Kupercaya kuatnya cinta
Semua akan menjadi indah pada waktunya

Hadirmu semangat jiwaku karenamu
Kelembutan cintamu semua jawaban yang kudambakan
Kini hanya satu yang kupercaya: kau membuatku bahagia

Jika memang ini saatnya mimpiku akan menjadi nyata
Kupercaya kuatnya cinta
Semua akan menjadi indah pada waktunya

Takkan ada kata-kata yang mampu lukiskan perasaanku saat ini

Jika memang ini saatnya mimpiku akan menjadi nyata
Kupercaya kuatnya cinta
Semua akan menjadi indah pada waktunya


Bagus ya kata-katanya? Lumayan bisa bikin gue bertahan hari ini. Perasaan campur-aduk dari pagi. Kalo ga ditahan bisa meledak dari pagi :D

Sunday, July 26, 2009

happy birthday to me

Yeps, yesterday was my birthday. 32nd to be exact. 30's is the age I've been waiting for hihihi..

Gue ga termasuk orang yang heboh menyambut ulang taun, kecuali urusan nraktir :D kalo itu mah udah kayak EO aja sampe bikin guest list segala. Secara temen gue banyak *sok beken*
Sampe kemarin pun gue ga ada acara khusus untuk merenung, kontemplasi atau apapun itu namanya. Biasa aja. Bukannya ga bersyukur tapi hampir tiap hari gue ngelakuin itu, minimal seminggu sekali menjelang hari Senin.

Sore menjelang malam akhirnya gue dapet satu hal yang pengen gue capai di umur ini dan seterusnya. Beberapa hari sebelumnya gue bilang hal itu ke suami gue. Agak sambil lalu karena overwhelming juga ngebayanginnya. Setelah dipikir-pikir sebenernya bisa dicapai dengan disiplin tinggi.

Tujuan itu adalah dapet profit $10K per bulan dari trading dengan modal $30K.
Dari mana dapetin modal $30K? Ya dari trading juga. Sekarang ini gue lagi cari modal minimal Rp 10 juta. Lebih besar lebih baik supaya jalan menuju modal 300 juta lebih pendek. Sebelum modal awal itu jadi 300 juta, profitnya akan gue tahan terus. Setelah 300 juta alias $30K, profit ditarik per bulan maksimal 50%. Hitung-hitungan normal sih profit per bulan 30-40%. Itu trading normal, ga ngotot. Kalo ngotot sih seminggu juga bisa profit 100%.

Gue yakin proyek ini bisa jalan dan sukses. Ayo modal, datanglah padaku cepaatttt!!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Working with Lunar Cycles - Work with the phases of the Moon to manifest your dreams

(real article is here)
by Emily Trinkaus

Working with the phases of the Moon is a simple, practical and effective way to apply Astrology in your everyday life. Just as the Moon influences the ocean’s tides, the Moon’s waxing and waning also reflects the rhythm of our own lives. Paying attention to where the tides are flowing can help you synchronize with cosmic forces, allowing you to “go with the flow” and create successful outcomes with greater ease.

The Moon completes one lunation cycle -- from New Moon to Full and back again -- over the course of about one month (29 ½ days to be exact). Each cycle entails the birth, culmination and completion of something in our lives. What exactly this something is can be determined by looking at the sign of the New Moon and seeing where it’s happening in your birth chart.

Generally speaking, when the Moon is waxing -- or when its light is increasing -- you are opening to new possibilities and initiating new projects. This tends to be an action-oriented time of pursuing goals and making things happen. After the Full Moon, while the light is decreasing, it’s time to complete what you started and reflect upon what you’ve created.

The lunar cycle begins with the New Moon or Dark of the Moon, a deeply mystical time of the month when the external world recedes and your energy is drawn inward. Astrologically, the New Moon signifies the conjunction of the Sun and Moon as they occupy the same sign of the Zodiac. The Moon appears to be invisible because it is eclipsed by the rays of the Sun. This is an excellent time to retreat and reflect upon what you want to create for the coming month. Meditate, get clear about your intentions and for added power, write a list of what you want to manifest.

Launch new projects and anything you want to increase in your life in the days following the New Moon (starting right on the New Moon is too early). About a week after the New Moon comes the First Quarter or Waxing Half Moon when, astrologically speaking, the Sun and Moon are forming a 90-degree angle or “square.” At this point you’re likely to encounter obstacles or challenges in moving forward with what you started. This is a time to reevaluate your course of action and determine whether to continue on or alter your path.

In the days approaching the Full Moon, you can feel the energy building and there’s an increase in activity. The Full Moon occurs about one week after the First Quarter, but you can feel its influence for two days before and after the exact phase. The high energy stimulates great productivity and there’s a sense of things coming to culmination or fruition. Of course, as documented by police stations and emergency rooms, emotions are also running high -- hence the words “lunatic” and “lunacy.”

With the Moon fully reflecting the Sun’s light, you begin to see the results of what you started at the New Moon. Astrologically, the Sun and Moon are now exactly opposite one another in the zodiac. This opposition can bring about new perspectives, breakthroughs and revelations. If you're trying to remove something (or someone) from your life -- old habits, weight, a relationship -- it's best to begin this process a day or two after the Full Moon.

The Last Quarter or Waning Half Moon comes about a week after the Full Moon. Once again, the Sun and Moon are at a 90-degree angle. As the light decreases you feel drawn to focus your energy, concentrating on the task at hand in order to follow through on commitments. At this point you get the fruits of your labor -- the end result of what you started about a month ago is now coming to completion.

During the final days of the cycle, as the Moon’s light recedes and loose ends are tied up, it’s time to go inward again and reflect upon your creations. “Being” rather than doing is appropriate during these dark nights, a time to rest and prepare for the next new beginning.

While every lunar cycle is different -- depending on the sign of the New and Full Moon and other planetary influences -- they all share a common pattern and rhythm. When you pay attention to and cooperate with the Moon’s phases, you’ll notice a big difference in how much more easily you’re able to create what you want. Experiment and discover the results for yourself!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

control freak

Another control freak tried to interfere my life. I didn't recognize it instantly, but the feelings were familiar. I hate being controlled by other people, not even by my own parents when they were allowed to do it (ie before my adulthood).

I don't care what those control freaks dealt with which caused them this behavior. I really don't. Why should I care about somebody else's past anyways? I'm relieved I'm free of them, especially this last one.

Goodbye, suckers! Live your own miserable lifes, not my beautiful life.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Eugh! Gregetan gue sama si jeprut. Mestinya Jumat kemarin tahap 3 proyek kita udah selesai dan Senin besok kita mulai tahap 4. Eh kemarin pagi dia ngsms katanya duit buat nebus kurang, kepake dugem. Gue ga tau dia becanda ato ngga. Riris bilang Jumat jam 8 malem jeprut ngsms dia, katanya udah mo ambil barang. Tapi dia ga ngabarin lagi abis itu.

Tantangan kita sekarang adalah di kantor belum ada resepsionis baru. Yang terima telfon security. Kalo kita numpang kantor lain keenakan si jeprut (kursi).

Untungnya ada jalur alternatif: lewat Yogi. Kudu bujukin Heru biar mau ngomong ke dia hehehe.. Semoga besok udah ada resepsionis baru di kantor jadi rencana kita bisa mulus. Ayo dong, Universe??