Tuesday, May 29, 2007


I create my own happiness. I depend on myself to make me happy. I need
no approval from others to be happy. Those who think s/he/them can
make me sad can just go to hell and rotten there. Those who are
unhappy with themselves and want me to join, can go there as well.

You think you're worthy of my tears and time? Dream on.
You think I allow you to exist within my universe? That must be your
sorry ass talking.

I close all doors to my heart, and the gates guarding them. Save your
energy and just leave me alone. That will do good to all of us.



Monday, May 28, 2007


We, my husband and I, will register our marriage at the Singapore Registration of Marriage on March 22, 2008. Consider this as an invitation. Please RSVP to me.
Accomodation and transportation not provided nor included with this announcement.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Getting better

Dua hari ini punggung gue enakan. Emang harus dibawa jalan kaki yg
lumayan jauh supaya dia stretchingnya bener. Paling ngga keliling
lapangan depan 1x. Besok pulaaaang.. Horeeee..



Tuesday, May 8, 2007

can't take this anymore

hampir 2 minggu ini gue ga fisioterapi. walopun di kos gue tetep senam punggung dan ngangetin punggung pake bantal panas, sakitnya ga berkurang sama sekali :(
apalagi akhir2 ini cuacanya lagi panas banget. bawaan gue marah2 aja dan pengen ngadem. secara sampe hari ini belom gajian, gimana mo ngadem? damn. reimburse duit dokter juga belom dikasi sampe sekarang. gimana kalo gue mo reimburse biaya gue opname coba? bisa2 mesti nunggu sampe taun depan.

pengen pulang aja deh gue kalo kayak gini caranya. ngapain juga meduliin kerjaan kalo gue sampe sakit gini karena kerjaan? tolol banget kan gue.

Friday, May 4, 2007

FS Miranti

Hari ini Anti punya account Friendster sendiri. Liat di
www.friendster.com/pupuscantik ya. Add juga boleh..




will you stand by people who cheat on you? i will surely not.