Thursday, February 8, 2007

Soul Groupings

I have explained this concept before but will try again to elaborate and explain things a little bit more in depth this time. There are various soul groupings that spirit has formed over the millennia's that they have been here in this earth plane. Some
people confuse them and use words to explain one where they really mean another. Most people have heard the terms Soul Mate, Twin Soul and Twin Flame, but do you really know the connection between them?

There are 7 groups: Lowest to highest. I will explain them:
- Divine Complement
- Soul Mate
- Divine Expression
- Twin Mates
- Twin Souls
- Twin Flames
- Twin Rays

Divine Complement:
This is a person that comes into your life that is a mirror image of yourself. They seem to reflect our negative vibrations at the moment. These types of relationships you are to learn from, look at them and notice that what you don't like or would change about them is what you need to change within yourself. These types of relationships do not last very long, we tend to learn from them and move on spiritually with our lives.
Contoh kasus: kuman.

Soul Mate:
Most people associate a soul mate with someone they are destined to be together with. This is a false notion that many believe. In most cases a soul mate is a soul that you have set up to meet before an incarnation. They could be from your soul family or another one. They come into your life at the perfect time to teach you about yourself. This is a special meeting and one that will more than likely change your life. Sometimes we keep the same soul mates but more often than not we have numerous soul mates from one lifetime to the next.

A Divine Expression:
This is a soul that comes into your life and leaves a lasting impression. If a person is not moving in the right direction they should be then this soul comes along and leaves you pondering the facts of life. It might not always feel pleasant, but it will get you moving.

A Twin Mate:
This is the group of people that you are connected to for your work on earth. All are connected to at least 144 other twin mates. Some of them are on earth but some are in the other higher realms working for the same purpose. Some are awakening and others are still asleep.
Contoh: albacool.

A Twin Soul:
Each individual has 12 twin souls. These souls have a very much in tune vibration frequency. You will feel like you have known and worked with one another forever, and truly you have. There have been numerous relationships with other people within this grouping of souls.
Contoh: Tante.

A Twin Flame:
This grouping you have worked extremely close with from lifetime to lifetime. This was set up in the beginning and they have always been the same. There are 7 twin flames that you are connected to, besides a twin ray this is the closest bond that you share to an entity. No matter what level spiritually you are at, you have the ability to reach these 7 souls to help in your own advancement. Many twin flame relationships are a great remembrance to all. There is a special bond between two twin flames, and you will always be connected at the heart, as one does not ever forget the love between the two. This relationship moves beyond human sexuality and into purity and devotion for working together through these cycles.

Twin Ray:
This is the ultimate connection; there is no need to look any farther. You are the same God spark that came from the mother/father God. This is your true other half…the masculine to your feminine or vice versa. There is much disbelief with this event, and for those who refuse to accept you only prolong your advancement, as any assent ion is connected to the unification between yourself and your Twin Ray. Both of your missions are one and the same, either here on earth or within the spiritual realms. Each soul has a unique situation and all couples will occur differently. There are some instances where you both travel here on earth, or one waits within the spiritual realm until your return. So many different situations, yet each one is perfect for the individual. The Twin Ray is your other half before you become one with the all or source of creation.

Did I loose anyone here? I hope not. Most people assume that every relationship they are in is the "right one", yet we can not connect at that level unless we are spiritually ready to accept each other, both must be ready. A lot of people talk of sacred sex and the act of waiting for that one person….in some lifetimes it is not possible.

Yet we will know when it can occur. Yet, we should wait for the person that we are meant to walk this lifetime together with, sometimes it is more than one but we must listen to ourselves for we know what we chose for ourselves. Spiritually we long to embrace that other half of ourselves and reunite with God…to ascend from this world and leave the suffering and hardships behind us. Yet perfection must occur first. We need to become perfect…each one of us to attract the other half. A spiritual marriage such as this can not occur unless we are ready. That is why there are other souls that help us to attain our perfection eventually reuniting us with our twin ray.


sampe sekarang gue ga pernah apal groupings ini hihi. tapi gue selalu tau mana yang soulmate gue, mana yang nyolmet2an. (rhymes with monyet2an ya?)
satu lagi: jangan terjebak dejavu2 sialan. cukup sekali gue kejeblos gara2 yang namanya dejavu.

hari ini dapet kesimpulan bahwa mas Zen se-cluster sama gue, Diana dan Tante. ada banyak persamaan gue dengan dia. persamaan2 kecil tapi signifikan. ah serulah pokoknya.. gue mah kebayang aja ntar kalo ketemu ketawa2 tanpa sebab karena bisa saling ngebaca :))

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